import os import subprocess import numpy as np from scipy.signal import find_peaks from scipy.signal import savgol_filter import hashlib from import Bar #cmd="gmx covar -s test/eq_run.tpr -f test/eq_traj.trr -n test/gmx_ndx/test_\(1\,\ 0\,\ 3\).ndx" #os.system(cmd) #cmd="gmx anaeig -v test/eigenvec.trr -s test/eq_run.tpr -f test/eq_traj.trr -n test/gmx_ndx/test_\(1\,\ 0\,\ 3\).ndx -proj -first 1 -last 20" #os.system(cmd) #cmd="gmx_clusterByFeatures cluster -s test/eq_run.tpr -f test/eq_traj.trr -n test/gmx_ndx/test_\(1\,\ 0\,\ 3\).ndx \ # -feat proj.xvg -method kmeans -nfeature 20 -cmetric ssr-sst -ncluster 5 \ # -fit2central -sort features -cpdb test/central.pdb \ # -fout test/cluster.xtc -plot test/pca_cluster.png" #os.system(cmd) def ndx_index(SYSTEM_NAME, pth): uniq_id={} path='./'+SYSTEM_NAME+'/'+pth+'/' for f in os.listdir(path): dom=f.split('(')[1].split(')')[0] dom='('+dom+')' #dom=f.split('_')[2].split('.')[0] text=SYSTEM_NAME+'_'+dom iidd=hashlib.md5(text.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() #dom=f.split('_')[2].split('.')[0] uniq_id[iidd]={} uniq_id[iidd]={'system':SYSTEM_NAME,'fld':pth,'ndx_file':f,'domain':dom} return uniq_id def read_xvg(XVG): x=[] y=[] with open(XVG) as f: for line in f: if line.startswith(("#","@")): continue else: cols = line.split() x.append(cols[0]) y.append(cols[1]) x = np.asarray(x) y = np.asarray(y) return x,y def density_peaks(TRR,TPR,IND,SLC,ST,EN,normal,fld,arg,dist_pk=1): cmd=str(arg)+'\n'+str(arg)+'\n' if EN==-1: p = subprocess.Popen(['gmx', 'density', '-symm', '-b', str(ST), '-sl',str(SLC), '-d', normal, '-f', TRR, '-s',TPR, '-n',IND, '-o', fld+'/tmp.xvg'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE) else: p = subprocess.Popen(['gmx', 'density', '-symm', '-b', str(ST), '-e', str(EN), '-sl',str(SLC), '-d', normal, '-f', TRR, '-s',TPR, '-n',IND, '-o', fld+'/tmp.xvg'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE) p.communicate(cmd.encode('UTF-8')) p.wait() x,y=read_xvg(XVG=fld+'/tmp.xvg') yhat = savgol_filter(y, 15, 4) # window size 15, polynomial order 4 peaks, _ = find_peaks(yhat, distance=dist_pk) pathname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(fld, 'tmp.xvg')) os.remove(pathname) return peaks def rdf_peaks(TRR,TPR,IND,ST,EN,fld,arg1,arg2,dist_pk): cmd=str(arg1)+'\n'+str(arg2)+'\n' if EN==-1: p = subprocess.Popen(['gmx', 'rdf', '-b', str(ST), '-selrpos', 'mol_com', '-f', TRR, '-s',TPR, '-n',IND, '-o', fld+'/tmp.xvg'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE) else: p = subprocess.Popen(['gmx', 'rdf', '-b', str(ST), '-e', str(EN), '-selrpos', 'mol_com', '-f', TRR, '-s',TPR, '-n',IND, '-o', fld+'/tmp.xvg'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE) p.communicate(cmd.encode('UTF-8')) p.send_signal('-D') p.wait() x,y=read_xvg(XVG=fld+'/tmp.xvg') yhat = savgol_filter(y, 15, 4) # window size 15, polynomial order 4 peaks, _ = find_peaks(yhat, distance=dist_pk) pathname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(fld, 'tmp.xvg')) os.remove(pathname) return peaks def order_ndx(box_res,fld,atoms,sv_name): #def togmxndx(box_res, fld, sv_name): print(' ') print('Save to order_ndx progress:') print('==============================') cnt=0 fl_save=fld+'/' if not os.path.exists(fl_save): os.makedirs(fl_save) else: print('WARNING: .ndx files exists. Nothing to do!') return ndx={} for step in box_res.keys(): if cnt==1: break for resid in box_res[step].keys(): for res in box_res[step][resid].keys(): for subdomain in box_res[step][resid][res].keys(): ndx[subdomain]={} rs=[] bar = Bar('Create format: ', max=len(box_res[step].keys())) for resid in box_res[step].keys(): for res in box_res[step][resid].keys(): for subdomain in box_res[step][resid][res]: posl=-1 for at in atoms: posl=posl+1 if (at,subdomain) not in rs: rs.append((at,subdomain)) ndx[subdomain][at]=[] posf=-1 for atomnum in box_res[step][resid][res][subdomain]: posf=posf+1 if posl==posf: ndx[subdomain][at].append(atomnum) bar.finish() cnt=cnt+1 bar = Bar('Save file: ', max=len(ndx.keys())) for subdomain in ndx.keys(): save=fl_save+sv_name+'_'+str(subdomain)+'.ndx' with open(save, "a") as myfile: for res in ndx[subdomain].keys(): myfile.write("["+res+"]\n") for atomnum in ndx[subdomain][res]: myfile.write(atomnum+'\n') bar.finish() def order(TRR,TPR,IND,ST,EN,normal,fld,dist_pk=1): if EN==-1: p = subprocess.Popen(['gmx', 'order', '-b', str(ST), '-d', normal, '-f', TRR, '-s',TPR, '-n',IND, '-o', fld+'/tmp1.xvg', '-od', fld+'/tmp2.xvg'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE) else: p = subprocess.Popen(['gmx', 'order', '-b', str(ST), '-e', str(EN), '-d', normal, '-f', TRR, '-s',TPR, '-n',IND, '-o', fld+'/tmp1.xvg', '-od', fld+'/tmp2.xvg'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE) p.wait() x,y=read_xvg(XVG=fld+'/tmp1.xvg') #yhat = savgol_filter(y, 15, 4) # window size 15, polynomial order 4 #peaks, _ = find_peaks(yhat, distance=dist_pk) #exit() pathname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(fld, 'tmp1.xvg')) os.remove(pathname) pathname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(fld, 'tmp2.xvg')) os.remove(pathname) return y