import numpy as np import scipy.optimize #from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pytrr import ( read_trr_header, read_trr_data, skip_trr_data, ) def fitPlaneLTSQ(XYZ): (rows, cols) = XYZ.shape G = np.ones((rows, 3)) G[:, 0] = XYZ[:, 0] #X G[:, 1] = XYZ[:, 1] #Y Z = XYZ[:, 2] (a, b, c),resid,rank,s = np.linalg.lstsq(G, Z, rcond=None) normal = (a, b, -1) nn = np.linalg.norm(normal) normal = normal / nn return (c, normal) def angle_between2D(p1, p2): #arctan2 is anticlockwise ang1 = np.arctan2(*p1[::-1]) ang2 = np.arctan2(*p2[::-1]) angle=np.rad2deg((ang1 - ang2) % (2 * np.pi)) #degree if angle<180: return angle else: return 360 - angle def angle_between3D(v1, v2): # v1 is your firsr vector # v2 is your second vector angle = np.arccos(, v2) / (np.linalg.norm(v1) * np.linalg.norm(v2))) #rad angle=180*angle/np.pi #degrees if angle<180: return angle else: return 360 - angle def plot_surf(data, normal, c): #Plot surface fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') # plot fitted plane maxx = np.max(data[:,0]) maxy = np.max(data[:,1]) minx = np.min(data[:,0]) miny = np.min(data[:,1]) point = np.array([0.0, 0.0, c]) d = # plot original points ax.scatter(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2]) # compute needed points for plane plotting xx, yy = np.meshgrid([minx, maxx], [miny, maxy]) z = (-normal[0]*xx - normal[1]*yy - d)*1. / normal[2] # plot plane ax.plot_surface(xx, yy, z, alpha=0.2) ax.set_xlabel('x') ax.set_ylabel('y') ax.set_zlabel('z') def count_frames(trajfile='traj.trr'): """ Count total frames of .trr file parameters: trajfile = [.trr] """ cnt_fr=0 with open(trajfile, 'rb') as inputfile: for i in range(1000): try: header = read_trr_header(inputfile) #print('Step: {step}, time: {time}'.format(**header)) skip_trr_data(inputfile, header) cnt_fr=cnt_fr+1 except EOFError: pass return cnt_fr def fr_export(trajfile='traj.trr', num_frames=1): """ Export frames from gromacs .trr file. parameters: trajfile = [.trr] num_frames = [number of frames to keep counting from the end of file] """ cnt_fr=count_frames(trajfile) data_all={} with open(trajfile, 'rb') as inputfile: for i in range(cnt_fr-num_frames): header = read_trr_header(inputfile) #print('Step: {step}, time: {time}'.format(**header)) skip_trr_data(inputfile, header) for i in range(cnt_fr-num_frames,cnt_fr): header = read_trr_header(inputfile) #print('Step: {step}, time: {time}'.format(**header)) data = read_trr_data(inputfile, header) step='{step}'.format(**header) data_all[step]=data return data_all def read_gro(gro): """ Read .gro file and exports 1. system name 2. data number 3. box size 4. residue number 5. residue type 6. atom type 7. atom number 8. free format data (x,y,z,v,u,w) parameters: gro = [.gro] """ cnt=0 data_num=0 res_num = [] res_type = [] atom_type = [] atom_num = [] rest_dt = [] with open(gro, 'r') as F: for line in F: cnt=cnt+1 #print(cnt) if cnt>2 and cnt<=data_num+2: res_num.append(line[:5]) res_type.append(line[5:10]) atom_type.append(line[10:15]) atom_num.append(line[15:20]) rest_dt.append(line[20:]) elif cnt==1: system=line[:10] elif cnt==2: data_num=int(line[:7]) elif cnt>data_num+2: box_size=line[:50] #print(system,data_num,box_size) return system,data_num,box_size,res_num,res_type,atom_type,atom_num,rest_dt def domain_decomposition(data,dx,dy,dz): """ Identify subdomain for each frame of of .trr frame parameters: data = {dictionary input from 'def fr_export'} dx = desired size X of subdomain {units of input} dy = desired size Y of subdomain {units of input} dz = desired size Z of subdomain {units of input} output: dictionary of x,y,z grid points per step (frame) """ box_p={} for step in data.keys(): box_p[step]={} xs=int(round(data[step]['box'][0][0]+0.1)) #to round always to bigger number ys=int(round(data[step]['box'][1][1]+0.1)) zs=int(round(data[step]['box'][2][2]+0.1)) box_x=int(xs/dx) box_y=int(ys/dy) box_z=int(zs/dz) xx=[] for i in range(0,xs+1,box_x): xx.append(i) box_p[step]['x']=xx yy=[] for i in range(0,ys+1,box_y): yy.append(i) box_p[step]['y']=yy zz=[] for i in range(0,zs+1,box_z): zz.append(i) box_p[step]['z']=zz xyz=[] for ix in range(0,xs+1,box_x): for iy in range(0,ys+1,box_y): for iz in range(0,zs+1,box_z): xyz.append([ix,iy,iz]) box_p[step]['xyz']=xyz return box_p def resid_data(atom_type, group=[]): """ Finds the index in list that 'def read_gro' returns, and correspond to the atom types in group list parameters: atom_type=[] group=[] output: dictionary """ ndx={} for element in group: ndx[element]=[i for i, e in enumerate(atom_type) if e.strip() == element.strip()] #print(element,ndx) return ndx def res2grid(data, atom_num, box_p, ndx): """ Assign residue that corresponds to ndx (see 'def resid_data') to sudomains created from 'def domain_decomposition'. The output is a the box location (non zero based) in xyz-space for each atom number. parameters: data = {dictionary input from 'def fr_export'} atom_num = [list from 'def read_gro'] box_p = {dictionary input from 'def domain_decomposition'} ndx = {dictionary input from 'def resid_data'} output: dictionaries """ box_res={} box_res_rev = {} for step in data.keys(): box_res[step]={} box_res_rev[step] = {} for key in ndx.keys(): for i in ndx[key]: #data[step]['x'][atom_num][x(0),y(1),z(2)] xx=data[step]['x'][i][0] cnt_x=-1 prev=-1 for ix in box_p[step]['x']: cnt_x=cnt_x+1 if xxprev: prev=ix break yy=data[step]['x'][i][1] cnt_y=-1 prev=-1 for iy in box_p[step]['y']: cnt_y=cnt_y+1 if yyprev: prev=iy break zz=data[step]['x'][i][2] cnt_z=-1 prev=-1 for iz in box_p[step]['z']: cnt_z=cnt_z+1 if zzprev: prev=iz break box_res[step][atom_num[i]]=(cnt_x,cnt_y,cnt_z) #Make subdomain position the key and group the residues for key, value in sorted(box_res[step].items()): box_res_rev[step].setdefault(value, []).append(key.strip()) return box_res,box_res_rev