
  • 2025
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  1. H. Morandi, S. Rodriguez, R. Iskandar, J. Dugdale, D. Singh, A. Sfetsos, D. Tzempelikos, A Framework for Constructing Agent-based Models for Evaluating Emergency Evacuation Procedures; A Case Study applied to Egaleo, Greece, 58th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2025, Hawaii.
  1. Stamou AI, Mitsopoulos G, Sfetsos A, Stamou AT, Varotsos KV, Giannakopoulos C, Koutroulis A. Typologizing the Hydro-Environmental Research on Climate Change Adaptation of Water Infrastructure in the Mediterranean Region. Atmosphere. 2024; 15(12):1526.
  2. Stamou AI, Mitsopoulos G, Sfetsos A, Stamou AT, Varotsos KV, Giannakopoulos C, Koutroulis A. Typologizing the Hydro-Environmental Research on Climate Change Adaptation of Water Infrastructure in the Mediterranean Region. Atmosphere 2024; 15(12):1526.
  3. Politi, N.; Vlachogiannis, D.; Sfetsos, A. A Statistical Analysis of Drought and Fire Weather Indicators in the Context of Climate Change: The Case of the Attica Region, Greece. Climate 2024, 12, 135.
  4. Galanopoulou, M.I., Sfetsos, A., Jiménez, J.D., Estrany, J., Pascual, A.M., Craveiro, J.L., Oliveira, M.M., Zózimo, A.C., Bakogianni, E., & Pavlidi, E. (2024). Community Resilience Assessment: Implementation of a Novel Resilience Framework in Four Different European Case Study Areas. İstanbul University Journal of Sociology, 44(1), 17-60.
  5. Markantonis, I., Vlachogiannis, D., Sfetsos, A. et al. Atmospheric preconditions investigation of wet-cold compound events in Greece between 1980 and 2004. Theor Appl Climatol (2024).
  6. Anastasiou, A., Zarikos, I., Yiotis, A. et al. Steady-State Dynamics of Ganglia Populations During Immiscible Two-Phase Flows in Porous Micromodels: Effects of the Capillary Number and Flow Ratio on Effective Rheology and Size Distributions. Transp Porous Med (2024).
  7. Sfetsos, A.; Politi, N.; Vlachogiannis, D. Multi-Hazard Extreme Scenario Quantification Using Intensity, Duration, and Return Period Characteristics. Climate 202311, 242.
  1. Golemi AM, Karakitsou E, Karozis S, Markantonis I, Politi N, Sfetsos A, Vlachogiannis D, Kapetanakis P. How Accurate Climate Information Can Help the Climate Adaptation in Regional Scale: The Case Study of Sitia. Environmental Sciences Proceedings. 2023; 26(1):170.
  2. Zarikos, I., Politi, N., Gounaris, N., Karozis, S., Vlachogiannis, D., and Sfetsos, A., Quantifying the Long-Term Performance of Rainwater Harvesting in Cyclades, Greece, (2023), 15, 3038, DOI:
  3. Karozis, Stelios & Klampanos, Iraklis & Sfetsos, Thanasis & Vlachogiannis, Diamando. (2023). A deep learning approach for spatial error correction of numerical seasonal weather prediction simulation data. Big Earth Data. 7.
  4. Markantonis I. Vlachogiannis D. Sfetsos A. Kioutsioukis I. Politi N. Spatiotemporal investigation of wet-cold compound events in Greece,2023,Advances in Science and Research,19,145,158,
  5. Michalopoulou A. Markantonis I. Vlachogiannis D. Sfetsos A. Kilikoglou V. Karatasios I.,Weathering Mechanisms of Porous Marl Stones in Coastal Environments and Evaluation of Conservation Treatments as Potential Adaptation Action for Facing Climate Change Impact,2023,Buildings,13,1,198,
  6. Politi N. Vlachogiannis D. Sfetsos A. Gounaris N. Varela V.,Investigation of Fire Weather Danger under a Changing Climate at High Resolution in Greece,2023,Sustainability (Switzerland),15,3,2498,
  7. Politi N. Vlachogiannis D. Sfetsos A. Nastos P.T. High resolution projections for extreme temperatures and precipitation over Greece,2023,Climate Dynamics,61,01-Feb,633,667,
  1. Adamides E.D. Katopodis T. Mountouris A. Sfetsos A.,Organising for Resilience to Climate Change in Critical Infrastructures: The Application of Viable System Model in an Oil Refinery,2022,Systemic Practice and Action Research,
  2. Donkor F.K. Mitoulis S.-A. Argyroudis S. Aboelkhair H. Canovas J.A.B. Bashir A. Cuaton G.P. Diatta S. Habibi M. Hölbling D. Manuel L. Pregnolato M. Ribeiro R.R.R. Sfetsos A. Shahzad N. Werner C.,SDG Final Decade of Action: Resilient Pathways to Build Back Better from High-Impact Low-Probability (HILP) Events,2022,Sustainability (Switzerland),14,22,15401,
  3. Jani A. Exner A. Braun R. Braun B. Torri L. Verhoeven S. Murante A.M. Van Devijvere S. Harrington J. Ochoa A. Marchiori G.D.L. Defranceschi P. Bunker A. Bärnighausen T. Sanz Sanz E. Napoléone C. Verger E.O. Schader C. Röklov J. Stegeman I. Tonello S. Pederson R. Kristensen N.H. Smits T. Wascher D. Voshol P. Kaptejins A. Nesrallah S. Kjørven O. DeClerck F. Biella C. Gjorgjioska M.A. Tomicic A. Ferreira Oliveira A.T. Bracco S. Estevens S. Rossi L. Laister G. Różalska A. Jankuloski B. Hurbin C. Jannic M. Steel F. Manbaliu E. De Jager K. Sfetsos A. Konstantopoulou M. Kapetanakis P.-A. Hickersberger M. Chiffard E. Woollhead C.,Transitions to food democracy through multilevel governance,2022,Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems,6,1039127,
  4. Katopodis T. Sfetsos A. Adamides E.D.,Vulnerability and Impact Assessment of Extreme Climate Events in the Greek Oil Industry,2022,Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 183,,,69,84,
  5. Krokidas P. Karozis S. Moncho S. Giannakopoulos G. Brothers E.N. Kainourgiakis M.E. Economou I.G. Steriotis T.A.,Data mining for predicting gas diffusivity in zeolitic-imidazolate frameworks (ZIFs),2022,Journal of Materials Chemistry A,10,26,13697,13703,
  6. Markantonis I. Vlachogiannis D. Sfetsos A. Kioutsioukis I.,Investigation of the extreme wet-cold compound events changes between 2025-2049 and 1980-2004 using regional simulations in Greece,2022,Earth System Dynamics,13,4,1491,1504,
  7. Politi N. Vlachogiannis D. Sfetsos A. Nastos P.T. Dalezios N.R.,High Resolution Future Projections of Drought Characteristics in Greece Based on SPI and SPEI Indices,2022,Atmosphere,13,9,1468,
  8. Politi N. Vlachogiannis D. Sfetsos A. Nastos P.T.,High-resolution dynamical downscaling of ERA-Interim temperature and precipitation using WRF model for Greece,2021,Climate Dynamics,57,03-Apr,,799,825,
  9. Domeisen, D. I. V., White, C. J., Afargan-Gerstman, H., Muñoz, Á. G., Janiga, M. A., Vitart, F., Wulf, C. O., Antoine, S., Ardilouze, C., Batté, L., Bloomfield, H. C., Brayshaw, D. J., Camargo, S. J., Charlton-Pérez, A., Collins, D., Cowan, T., del Mar Chaves, M., Ferranti, L., Gómez, R., … Tian, D. (2022). Advances in the subseasonal prediction of extreme events: Relevant case studies across the globe. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.
  10. Vlachogiannis, D., Sfetsos, A., Markantonis, I., Politi, N., Karozis, S., & Gounaris, N. (2022). Quantifying the Occurrence of Multi-Hazards Due to Climate Change. Applied Sciences, 12(3), 1218.
  11. Psaroudakis, C., Xanthopoulos, G., Stavrakoudis, D., Barnias, A., Varela, V., Gkotsis, I., Karvouniari, A., Agorgianitis, S., Chasiotis, I., Vlachogiannis, D., Sfetsos, A., Kaoukis, K., Christopoulou, A., Antakis, P., & Gitas, I. Z. (2021). Development of an early warning and incident response system for the protection of visitors from natural hazards in important outdoor sites in Greece. Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(9).
  12. Katopodis, Theodoros, Emmanuel D. Adamides, Athanasios Sfetsos, and Antonios Mountouris, (2021), Incorporating Future Climate Scenarios in Oil Industry’s Risk Assessment: A Greek Refinery Case Study, Sustainability, 13(22), 12825, IF: 3.251, Q1
  13. Katopodis, Th., Markantonis, J., Vlachogiannis, D., Politi, N. Sfetsos, A., (2021), Assessing climate change impacts on wind characteristics in Greece through high resolution regional climate modelling, Renewable Energy, 179, 427 – 444, IF: 8.001, Q1
  14. Karozis, S., Sfetsos, A., Gounaris, N., Vlachogiannis, D., (2021), An assessment of climate change impact on air masses arriving in Athens, Greece, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 145, 501 – 517, IF: 3.179, Q2
  15. Politi, N., Vlachogiannis, D., Sfetsos, A., Nastos, P.T., (2021), High-Resolution dynamical downscaling of ERA-Interim temperature and precipitation using WRF model for Greece, Climate Dynamics, 57, 799–825, IF: 4.375, Q1
  16. Sfetsos, A., Giroud, F., Clemencau, A., Varela, V., Freissinet, C., Lecroart, J., Vlachogiannis, D., Politi, N., Karozis, S., Gkotsis, I., Eftychidis, G., Hedel, R., Hahmann, S., (2021), Assessing the effects of forest fires on interconnected critical infrastructures under climate change. Evidence from South France, Infrastructures, 6 (2), 1-19, IF: NA, Q2
  17. Emmanouil, G., Vlachogiannis, D., Sfetsos, A., (2021), Exploring the ability of the WRF-ARW atmospheric model to simulate different meteorological conditions in Greece Atmospheric Research, 247, IF: 5.369, Q1
  18. Varela, V., Vlachogiannis, D., Sfetsos, A., Politi, N., Karozis, S., (2020), Methodology for the study of near-future changes of fire weather patterns with emphasis on archaeological and protected touristic areas in Greece, Forests, 11, 1168, IF: 2.634, Q1
  19. Katopodis, T., Markantonis, I., Politi, N., Vlachogiannis, D., Sfetsos A., (2020), A High-resolution solar climate atlas for Greece under climate change using the weather research and forecasting (WRF) model Atmosphere, 11 (7), IF: 2.686, Q2
  20. Politi, N., Sfetsos, A., Vlachogiannis, D., Nastos, P.T., Karozis, S., (2020), A sensitivity study of high-resolution climate simulations for Greece Climate, 8 (3), IF: NA, Q2
  21. Katopodis, T., Vlachogiannis, D., Politi, N., Gounaris, N., Karozis, S., Sfetsos, A., (2019), Assessment of climate change impacts on wind resource characteristics and wind energy potential in Greece, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 11 (6), IF: 2.219, Q3
  22. Danai Kazantzidou Firtinidou, Ilias Gkotsis, Georgios Eftychidis, Athanasios Sfetsos, Nenad Petrovic, Alen Stranjik, (2019), Climate related business continuity model for critical infrastructures, Annals of Disaster Risk Sciences, 2(1-2), 11-27, IF: 3.727, Q1
  23. Varela, V., Vlachogiannis, D., Sfetsos, A., Karozis, S., Politi, N., Giroud, F., (2019), Projection of forest fire danger due to climate change in the French Mediterranean region, Sustainability, 11 (16), IF: 3.251, Q1,
  24. Katopodis, Theodoros, and Athanasios Sfetsos, (2019), A Review of Climate Change Impacts to Oil Sector Critical Services and Suggested Recommendations for Industry Uptake,  Infrastructures 4, (74), IF: NA, Q2
  25. Rössler, O., Fischer, A.M., Huebener, H., Maraun, D., Benestad, R.E., Christodoulides, P., Soares, P.M.M., Cardoso, R.M., Pagé, C., Kanamaru, H., Kreienkamp, F., Vlachogiannis, D., (2019), Challenges to link climate change data provision and user needs: Perspective from the COST-action VALUE, International Journal of Climatology, 39 (9), 3704-3716, IF: 4.069, Q1
  26. Varela, V., Sfetsos, A., Vlachogiannis, D., Gounaris, N., (2018), Fire Weather Index (FWI) classification for fire danger assessment applied in Greece, Tethys, Journal of Mediterranean Meteorology and Climatology, 15, 31-40, IF: NA, Q4
  27. Politi, N., Nastos, P.T., Sfetsos, A., Vlachogiannis, D., Dalezios, N.R., (2018), Evaluation of the AWR-WRF model configuration at high resolution over the domain of Greece Atmospheric Research, 208, pp. 229-245, IF: 5.369, Q1
  28. Theodoros Katopodis, Athanasios Sfetsos, Vasiliki Varela, Stelios Karozis, Georgios Karavokyros, Georgios Eftychidis, Ilias Gkotsis, Georgios Leventakis, Ralf Hedel, Ifigenia Koutiva, Christos Makropoulos, 2018, EU-CIRCLE methodological approach for assessing the resilience of the interconnected critical infrastructures of the virtual city scenario to climate change, Energetika 64(1), 23–31, IF: NA, Q4
  29. Vrettos Moulos, George Chatzikyriakos, Vassilis Kassouras, Georgios Leventakis, Achilleas Marinakis, Thodoris Florakis, Petros Klirodetis, Anna Gatzioura, Georgios Kioumourtzis, Evangelos Mitsokapas, Thanasis Sfetsos, Theodora Varvarigou, Anastasios Doulamis, Nikolaos Doulamis, Alexandros Psychas, 2018, A Robust Information Life Cycle Management Framework for Securing and Governing Critical Infrastructure Systems, Inventions, 3(4), 71, IF: NA, Q1
  30. Marčiukaitis, M., Žutautaitė, I., Martišauskas, L., Jokšas, B., Gecevičius, G., & Sfetsos, A. (2017). Non-linear regression model for wind turbine power curve. Renewable Energy, 113, 732–741.