utils.py 925 Bytes
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import os
from contextlib import contextmanager

def traverse_parents(path, include_current=False):
    if not include_current:
        path = os.path.dirname(path)

    previous = None
    while previous != path:
        yield path
        previous = path
        path = os.path.dirname(path)

def monkeypatch(obj, attribute_name, new_value):
    Like pytest's monkeypatch, but as a value manager.
    old_value = getattr(obj, attribute_name)
        setattr(obj, attribute_name, new_value)
        setattr(obj, attribute_name, old_value)

def indent_block(text, indention='    '):
    """This function indents a text block with a default of four spaces."""
    temp = ''
    while text and text[-1] == '\n':
        temp += text[-1]
        text = text[:-1]
    lines = text.split('\n')
    return '\n'.join(map(lambda s: indention + s, lines)) + temp