_pylab_helpers.py 3.36 KB
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Manage figures for pyplot interface.

import atexit
import gc

class Gcf:
    Singleton to manage a set of integer-numbered figures.

    This class is never instantiated; it consists of two class
    attributes (a list and a dictionary), and a set of static
    methods that operate on those attributes, accessing them
    directly as class attributes.

          dictionary of the form {*num*: *manager*, ...}
          list of *managers*, with active one at the end

    _activeQue = []
    figs = {}

    def get_fig_manager(cls, num):
        If figure manager *num* exists, make it the active
        figure and return the manager; otherwise return *None*.
        manager = cls.figs.get(num, None)
        if manager is not None:
        return manager

    def destroy(cls, num):
        Try to remove all traces of figure *num*.

        In the interactive backends, this is bound to the
        window "destroy" and "delete" events.
        if not cls.has_fignum(num):
        manager = cls.figs[num]
        del cls.figs[num]

    def destroy_fig(cls, fig):
        "*fig* is a Figure instance"
        num = next((manager.num for manager in cls.figs.values()
                    if manager.canvas.figure == fig), None)
        if num is not None:

    def destroy_all(cls):
        # this is need to ensure that gc is available in corner cases
        # where modules are being torn down after install with easy_install
        import gc  # noqa
        for manager in list(cls.figs.values()):

        cls._activeQue = []

    def has_fignum(cls, num):
        Return *True* if figure *num* exists.
        return num in cls.figs

    def get_all_fig_managers(cls):
        Return a list of figure managers.
        return list(cls.figs.values())

    def get_num_fig_managers(cls):
        Return the number of figures being managed.
        return len(cls.figs)

    def get_active(cls):
        Return the manager of the active figure, or *None*.
        if len(cls._activeQue) == 0:
            return None
            return cls._activeQue[-1]

    def set_active(cls, manager):
        Make the figure corresponding to *manager* the active one.
        oldQue = cls._activeQue[:]
        cls._activeQue = [m for m in oldQue if m != manager]
        cls.figs[manager.num] = manager

    def draw_all(cls, force=False):
        Redraw all figures registered with the pyplot
        state machine.
        for f_mgr in cls.get_all_fig_managers():
            if force or f_mgr.canvas.figure.stale:
