test_convert.py 8.31 KB
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import random
from mpmath import *
from mpmath.libmp import *

def test_basic_string():
    Test basic string conversion
    mp.dps = 15
    assert mpf('3') == mpf('3.0') == mpf('0003.') == mpf('0.03e2') == mpf(3.0)
    assert mpf('30') == mpf('30.0') == mpf('00030.') == mpf(30.0)
    for i in range(10):
        for j in range(10):
            assert mpf('%ie%i' % (i,j)) == i * 10**j
    assert str(mpf('25000.0')) == '25000.0'
    assert str(mpf('2500.0')) == '2500.0'
    assert str(mpf('250.0')) == '250.0'
    assert str(mpf('25.0')) == '25.0'
    assert str(mpf('2.5')) == '2.5'
    assert str(mpf('0.25')) == '0.25'
    assert str(mpf('0.025')) == '0.025'
    assert str(mpf('0.0025')) == '0.0025'
    assert str(mpf('0.00025')) == '0.00025'
    assert str(mpf('0.000025')) == '2.5e-5'
    assert str(mpf(0)) == '0.0'
    assert str(mpf('2.5e1000000000000000000000')) == '2.5e+1000000000000000000000'
    assert str(mpf('2.6e-1000000000000000000000')) == '2.6e-1000000000000000000000'
    assert str(mpf(1.23402834e-15)) == '1.23402834e-15'
    assert str(mpf(-1.23402834e-15)) == '-1.23402834e-15'
    assert str(mpf(-1.2344e-15)) == '-1.2344e-15'
    assert repr(mpf(-1.2344e-15)) == "mpf('-1.2343999999999999e-15')"
    assert str(mpf("2163048125L")) == '2163048125.0'
    assert str(mpf("-2163048125l")) == '-2163048125.0'
    assert str(mpf("-2163048125L/1088391168")) == '-1.98738118113799'
    assert str(mpf("2163048125/1088391168l")) == '1.98738118113799'

def test_pretty():
    mp.pretty = True
    assert repr(mpf(2.5)) == '2.5'
    assert repr(mpc(2.5,3.5)) == '(2.5 + 3.5j)'
    mp.pretty = False
    iv.pretty = True
    assert repr(mpi(2.5,3.5)) == '[2.5, 3.5]'
    iv.pretty = False

def test_str_whitespace():
    assert mpf('1.26 ') == 1.26

def test_unicode():
    mp.dps = 15
        unicode = unicode
    except NameError:
        unicode = str
    assert mpf(unicode('2.76')) == 2.76
    assert mpf(unicode('inf')) == inf

def test_str_format():
    assert to_str(from_float(0.1),15,strip_zeros=False) == '0.100000000000000'
    assert to_str(from_float(0.0),15,show_zero_exponent=True) == '0.0e+0'
    assert to_str(from_float(0.0),0,show_zero_exponent=True) == '.0e+0'
    assert to_str(from_float(0.0),0,show_zero_exponent=False) == '.0'
    assert to_str(from_float(0.0),1,show_zero_exponent=True) == '0.0e+0'
    assert to_str(from_float(0.0),1,show_zero_exponent=False) == '0.0'
    assert to_str(from_float(1.23),3,show_zero_exponent=True) == '1.23e+0'
    assert to_str(from_float(1.23456789000000e-2),15,strip_zeros=False,min_fixed=0,max_fixed=0) == '1.23456789000000e-2'
    assert to_str(from_float(1.23456789000000e+2),15,strip_zeros=False,min_fixed=0,max_fixed=0) == '1.23456789000000e+2'
    assert to_str(from_float(2.1287e14), 15, max_fixed=1000) == '212870000000000.0'
    assert to_str(from_float(2.1287e15), 15, max_fixed=1000) == '2128700000000000.0'
    assert to_str(from_float(2.1287e16), 15, max_fixed=1000) == '21287000000000000.0'
    assert to_str(from_float(2.1287e30), 15, max_fixed=1000) == '2128700000000000000000000000000.0'

def test_tight_string_conversion():
    mp.dps = 15
    # In an old version, '0.5' wasn't recognized as representing
    # an exact binary number and was erroneously rounded up or down
    assert from_str('0.5', 10, round_floor) == fhalf
    assert from_str('0.5', 10, round_ceiling) == fhalf

def test_eval_repr_invariant():
    """Test that eval(repr(x)) == x"""
    for dps in [10, 15, 20, 50, 100]:
        mp.dps = dps
        for i in range(1000):
            a = mpf(random.random())**0.5 * 10**random.randint(-100, 100)
            assert eval(repr(a)) == a
    mp.dps = 15

def test_str_bugs():
    mp.dps = 15
    # Decimal rounding used to give the wrong exponent in some cases
    assert str(mpf('1e600')) == '1.0e+600'
    assert str(mpf('1e10000')) == '1.0e+10000'

def test_str_prec0():
    assert to_str(from_float(1.234), 0) == '.0e+0'
    assert to_str(from_float(1e-15), 0) == '.0e-15'
    assert to_str(from_float(1e+15), 0) == '.0e+15'
    assert to_str(from_float(-1e-15), 0) == '-.0e-15'
    assert to_str(from_float(-1e+15), 0) == '-.0e+15'

def test_convert_rational():
    mp.dps = 15
    assert from_rational(30, 5, 53, round_nearest) == (0, 3, 1, 2)
    assert from_rational(-7, 4, 53, round_nearest) == (1, 7, -2, 3)
    assert to_rational((0, 1, -1, 1)) == (1, 2)

def test_custom_class():
    class mympf:
        def _mpf_(self):
            return mpf(3.5)._mpf_
    class mympc:
        def _mpc_(self):
            return mpf(3.5)._mpf_, mpf(2.5)._mpf_
    assert mpf(2) + mympf() == 5.5
    assert mympf() + mpf(2) == 5.5
    assert mpf(mympf()) == 3.5
    assert mympc() + mpc(2) == mpc(5.5, 2.5)
    assert mpc(2) + mympc() == mpc(5.5, 2.5)
    assert mpc(mympc()) == (3.5+2.5j)

def test_conversion_methods():
    class SomethingRandom:
    class SomethingReal:
        def _mpmath_(self, prec, rounding):
            return mp.make_mpf(from_str('1.3', prec, rounding))
    class SomethingComplex:
        def _mpmath_(self, prec, rounding):
            return mp.make_mpc((from_str('1.3', prec, rounding), \
                from_str('1.7', prec, rounding)))
    x = mpf(3)
    z = mpc(3)
    a = SomethingRandom()
    y = SomethingReal()
    w = SomethingComplex()
    for d in [15, 45]:
        mp.dps = d
        assert (x+y).ae(mpf('4.3'))
        assert (y+x).ae(mpf('4.3'))
        assert (x+w).ae(mpc('4.3', '1.7'))
        assert (w+x).ae(mpc('4.3', '1.7'))
        assert (z+y).ae(mpc('4.3'))
        assert (y+z).ae(mpc('4.3'))
        assert (z+w).ae(mpc('4.3', '1.7'))
        assert (w+z).ae(mpc('4.3', '1.7'))
        x-y; y-x; x-w; w-x; z-y; y-z; z-w; w-z
        x*y; y*x; x*w; w*x; z*y; y*z; z*w; w*z
        x/y; y/x; x/w; w/x; z/y; y/z; z/w; w/z
        x**y; y**x; x**w; w**x; z**y; y**z; z**w; w**z
        x==y; y==x; x==w; w==x; z==y; y==z; z==w; w==z
    mp.dps = 15
    assert x.__add__(a) is NotImplemented
    assert x.__radd__(a) is NotImplemented
    assert x.__lt__(a) is NotImplemented
    assert x.__gt__(a) is NotImplemented
    assert x.__le__(a) is NotImplemented
    assert x.__ge__(a) is NotImplemented
    assert x.__eq__(a) is NotImplemented
    assert x.__ne__(a) is NotImplemented
    # implementation detail
    if hasattr(x, "__cmp__"):
        assert x.__cmp__(a) is NotImplemented
    assert x.__sub__(a) is NotImplemented
    assert x.__rsub__(a) is NotImplemented
    assert x.__mul__(a) is NotImplemented
    assert x.__rmul__(a) is NotImplemented
    assert x.__div__(a) is NotImplemented
    assert x.__rdiv__(a) is NotImplemented
    assert x.__mod__(a) is NotImplemented
    assert x.__rmod__(a) is NotImplemented
    assert x.__pow__(a) is NotImplemented
    assert x.__rpow__(a) is NotImplemented
    assert z.__add__(a) is NotImplemented
    assert z.__radd__(a) is NotImplemented
    assert z.__eq__(a) is NotImplemented
    assert z.__ne__(a) is NotImplemented
    assert z.__sub__(a) is NotImplemented
    assert z.__rsub__(a) is NotImplemented
    assert z.__mul__(a) is NotImplemented
    assert z.__rmul__(a) is NotImplemented
    assert z.__div__(a) is NotImplemented
    assert z.__rdiv__(a) is NotImplemented
    assert z.__pow__(a) is NotImplemented
    assert z.__rpow__(a) is NotImplemented

def test_mpmathify():
    assert mpmathify('1/2') == 0.5
    assert mpmathify('(1.0+1.0j)') == mpc(1, 1)
    assert mpmathify('(1.2e-10 - 3.4e5j)') == mpc('1.2e-10', '-3.4e5')
    assert mpmathify('1j') == mpc(1j)

def test_compatibility():
        import numpy as np
        from fractions import Fraction
        from decimal import Decimal
        import decimal
    except ImportError:
    # numpy types
    for nptype in np.core.numerictypes.typeDict.values():
        if issubclass(nptype, np.complexfloating):
            x = nptype(complex(0.5, -0.5))
        elif issubclass(nptype, np.floating):
            x = nptype(0.5)
        elif issubclass(nptype, np.integer):
            x = nptype(2)
        # Handle the weird types
        try: diff = np.abs(type(np.sqrt(x))(sqrt(x)) - np.sqrt(x))
        except: continue
        assert diff < 2.0**-53
    #Fraction and Decimal
    oldprec = mp.prec
    mp.prec = 1000
    decimal.getcontext().prec = mp.dps
    assert sqrt(Fraction(2, 3)).ae(sqrt(mpf('2/3')))
    assert sqrt(Decimal(2)/Decimal(3)).ae(sqrt(mpf('2/3')))
    mp.prec = oldprec