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# Copyright (c) 2016 Claudiu Popa <>

# Licensed under the LGPL:
# For details:

import sys

import astroid
from astroid import exceptions

def _multiprocessing_transform():
    module = astroid.parse(
    from multiprocessing.managers import SyncManager
    def Manager():
        return SyncManager()
    # Multiprocessing uses a getattr lookup inside contexts,
    # in order to get the attributes they need. Since it's extremely
    # dynamic, we use this approach to fake it.
    node = astroid.parse(
    from multiprocessing.context import DefaultContext, BaseContext
    default = DefaultContext()
    base = BaseContext()
        context = next(node["default"].infer())
        base = next(node["base"].infer())
    except exceptions.InferenceError:
        return module

    for node in (context, base):
        for key, value in node.locals.items():
            if key.startswith("_"):

            value = value[0]
            if isinstance(value, astroid.FunctionDef):
                # We need to rebound this, since otherwise
                # it will have an extra argument (self).
                value = astroid.BoundMethod(value, node)
            module[key] = value
    return module

def _multiprocessing_managers_transform():
    return astroid.parse(
    import array
    import threading
    import multiprocessing.pool as pool

    import six

    class Namespace(object):

    class Value(object):
        def __init__(self, typecode, value, lock=True):
            self._typecode = typecode
            self._value = value
        def get(self):
            return self._value
        def set(self, value):
            self._value = value
        def __repr__(self):
            return '%s(%r, %r)'%(type(self).__name__, self._typecode, self._value)
        value = property(get, set)

    def Array(typecode, sequence, lock=True):
        return array.array(typecode, sequence)

    class SyncManager(object):
        Queue = JoinableQueue = six.moves.queue.Queue
        Event = threading.Event
        RLock = threading.RLock
        BoundedSemaphore = threading.BoundedSemaphore
        Condition = threading.Condition
        Barrier = threading.Barrier
        Pool = pool.Pool
        list = list
        dict = dict
        Value = Value
        Array = Array
        Namespace = Namespace
        __enter__ = lambda self: self
        __exit__ = lambda *args: args

        def start(self, initializer=None, initargs=None):
        def shutdown(self):

    astroid.MANAGER, "multiprocessing.managers", _multiprocessing_managers_transform
    astroid.MANAGER, "multiprocessing", _multiprocessing_transform