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# Copyright (c) 2006-2011, 2013-2014 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE) <>
# Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Claudiu Popa <>
# Copyright (c) 2014 BioGeek <>
# Copyright (c) 2014 Google, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2014 Eevee (Alex Munroe) <>
# Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Ceridwen <>
# Copyright (c) 2016 Derek Gustafson <>
# Copyright (c) 2017 Iva Miholic <>
# Copyright (c) 2018 Bryce Guinta <>
# Copyright (c) 2018 Nick Drozd <>

# Licensed under the LGPL:
# For details:

"""astroid manager: avoid multiple astroid build of a same module when
possible by providing a class responsible to get astroid representation
from various source and using a cache of built modules)

import os
import zipimport

from astroid import exceptions
from astroid.interpreter._import import spec
from astroid import modutils
from astroid import transforms

ZIP_IMPORT_EXTS = (".zip", ".egg", ".whl")

def safe_repr(obj):
        return repr(obj)
    except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
        return "???"

class AstroidManager:
    """the astroid manager, responsible to build astroid from files
     or modules.

    Use the Borg pattern.

    name = "astroid loader"
    brain = {}

    def __init__(self):
        self.__dict__ = AstroidManager.brain
        if not self.__dict__:
            # NOTE: cache entries are added by the [re]builder
            self.astroid_cache = {}
            self._mod_file_cache = {}
            self._failed_import_hooks = []
            self.always_load_extensions = False
            self.optimize_ast = False
            self.extension_package_whitelist = set()
            self._transform = transforms.TransformVisitor()

            # Export these APIs for convenience
            self.register_transform = self._transform.register_transform
            self.unregister_transform = self._transform.unregister_transform
            self.max_inferable_values = 100

    def builtins_module(self):
        return self.astroid_cache["builtins"]

    def visit_transforms(self, node):
        """Visit the transforms and apply them to the given *node*."""
        return self._transform.visit(node)

    def ast_from_file(self, filepath, modname=None, fallback=True, source=False):
        """given a module name, return the astroid object"""
            filepath = modutils.get_source_file(filepath, include_no_ext=True)
            source = True
        except modutils.NoSourceFile:
        if modname is None:
                modname = ".".join(modutils.modpath_from_file(filepath))
            except ImportError:
                modname = filepath
        if (
            modname in self.astroid_cache
            and self.astroid_cache[modname].file == filepath
            return self.astroid_cache[modname]
        if source:
            # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel; circular import
            from astroid.builder import AstroidBuilder

            return AstroidBuilder(self).file_build(filepath, modname)
        if fallback and modname:
            return self.ast_from_module_name(modname)
        raise exceptions.AstroidBuildingError(
            "Unable to build an AST for {path}.", path=filepath

    def _build_stub_module(self, modname):
        # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel; circular import
        from astroid.builder import AstroidBuilder

        return AstroidBuilder(self).string_build("", modname)

    def _build_namespace_module(self, modname, path):
        # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel; circular import
        from astroid.builder import build_namespace_package_module

        return build_namespace_package_module(modname, path)

    def _can_load_extension(self, modname):
        if self.always_load_extensions:
            return True
        if modutils.is_standard_module(modname):
            return True
        parts = modname.split(".")
        return any(
            ".".join(parts[:x]) in self.extension_package_whitelist
            for x in range(1, len(parts) + 1)

    def ast_from_module_name(self, modname, context_file=None):
        """given a module name, return the astroid object"""
        if modname in self.astroid_cache:
            return self.astroid_cache[modname]
        if modname == "__main__":
            return self._build_stub_module(modname)
        old_cwd = os.getcwd()
        if context_file:
            found_spec = self.file_from_module_name(modname, context_file)
            if found_spec.type == spec.ModuleType.PY_ZIPMODULE:
                module = self.zip_import_data(found_spec.location)
                if module is not None:
                    return module

            elif found_spec.type in (
                if (
                    found_spec.type == spec.ModuleType.C_EXTENSION
                    and not self._can_load_extension(modname)
                    return self._build_stub_module(modname)
                    module = modutils.load_module_from_name(modname)
                except Exception as ex:
                    raise exceptions.AstroidImportError(
                        "Loading {modname} failed with:\n{error}",
                    ) from ex
                return self.ast_from_module(module, modname)

            elif found_spec.type == spec.ModuleType.PY_COMPILED:
                raise exceptions.AstroidImportError(
                    "Unable to load compiled module {modname}.",

            elif found_spec.type == spec.ModuleType.PY_NAMESPACE:
                return self._build_namespace_module(
                    modname, found_spec.submodule_search_locations

            if found_spec.location is None:
                raise exceptions.AstroidImportError(
                    "Can't find a file for module {modname}.", modname=modname

            return self.ast_from_file(found_spec.location, modname, fallback=False)
        except exceptions.AstroidBuildingError as e:
            for hook in self._failed_import_hooks:
                    return hook(modname)
                except exceptions.AstroidBuildingError:
            raise e

    def zip_import_data(self, filepath):
        if zipimport is None:
            return None

        # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel; circular import
        from astroid.builder import AstroidBuilder

        builder = AstroidBuilder(self)
        for ext in ZIP_IMPORT_EXTS:
                eggpath, resource = filepath.rsplit(ext + os.path.sep, 1)
            except ValueError:
                importer = zipimport.zipimporter(eggpath + ext)
                zmodname = resource.replace(os.path.sep, ".")
                if importer.is_package(resource):
                    zmodname = zmodname + ".__init__"
                module = builder.string_build(
                    importer.get_source(resource), zmodname, filepath
                return module
            except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
        return None

    def file_from_module_name(self, modname, contextfile):
            value = self._mod_file_cache[(modname, contextfile)]
        except KeyError:
                value = modutils.file_info_from_modpath(
                    modname.split("."), context_file=contextfile
            except ImportError as ex:
                value = exceptions.AstroidImportError(
                    "Failed to import module {modname} with error:\n{error}.",
            self._mod_file_cache[(modname, contextfile)] = value
        if isinstance(value, exceptions.AstroidBuildingError):
            raise value
        return value

    def ast_from_module(self, module, modname=None):
        """given an imported module, return the astroid object"""
        modname = modname or module.__name__
        if modname in self.astroid_cache:
            return self.astroid_cache[modname]
            # some builtin modules don't have __file__ attribute
            filepath = module.__file__
            if modutils.is_python_source(filepath):
                return self.ast_from_file(filepath, modname)
        except AttributeError:

        # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel; circular import
        from astroid.builder import AstroidBuilder

        return AstroidBuilder(self).module_build(module, modname)

    def ast_from_class(self, klass, modname=None):
        """get astroid for the given class"""
        if modname is None:
                modname = klass.__module__
            except AttributeError as exc:
                raise exceptions.AstroidBuildingError(
                    "Unable to get module for class {class_name}.",
                ) from exc
        modastroid = self.ast_from_module_name(modname)
        return modastroid.getattr(klass.__name__)[0]  # XXX

    def infer_ast_from_something(self, obj, context=None):
        """infer astroid for the given class"""
        if hasattr(obj, "__class__") and not isinstance(obj, type):
            klass = obj.__class__
            klass = obj
            modname = klass.__module__
        except AttributeError as exc:
            raise exceptions.AstroidBuildingError(
                "Unable to get module for {class_repr}.",
            ) from exc
        except Exception as exc:
            raise exceptions.AstroidImportError(
                "Unexpected error while retrieving module for {class_repr}:\n"
            ) from exc
            name = klass.__name__
        except AttributeError as exc:
            raise exceptions.AstroidBuildingError(
                "Unable to get name for {class_repr}:\n",
            ) from exc
        except Exception as exc:
            raise exceptions.AstroidImportError(
                "Unexpected error while retrieving name for {class_repr}:\n" "{error}",
            ) from exc
        # take care, on living object __module__ is regularly wrong :(
        modastroid = self.ast_from_module_name(modname)
        if klass is obj:
            for inferred in modastroid.igetattr(name, context):
                yield inferred
            for inferred in modastroid.igetattr(name, context):
                yield inferred.instantiate_class()

    def register_failed_import_hook(self, hook):
        """Registers a hook to resolve imports that cannot be found otherwise.

        `hook` must be a function that accepts a single argument `modname` which
        contains the name of the module or package that could not be imported.
        If `hook` can resolve the import, must return a node of type `astroid.Module`,
        otherwise, it must raise `AstroidBuildingError`.

    def cache_module(self, module):
        """Cache a module if no module with the same name is known yet."""
        self.astroid_cache.setdefault(, module)

    def bootstrap(self):
        """Bootstrap the required AST modules needed for the manager to work

        The bootstrap usually involves building the AST for the builtins
        module, which is required by the rest of astroid to work correctly.
        from astroid import raw_building  # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel


    def clear_cache(self):
        """Clear the underlying cache. Also bootstraps the builtins module."""