eventloops.py 11.5 KB
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# encoding: utf-8
"""Event loop integration for the ZeroMQ-based kernels."""

# Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.

from functools import partial
import os
import sys
import platform

import zmq

from distutils.version import LooseVersion as V
from traitlets.config.application import Application

def _use_appnope():
    """Should we use appnope for dealing with OS X app nap?

    Checks if we are on OS X 10.9 or greater.
    return sys.platform == 'darwin' and V(platform.mac_ver()[0]) >= V('10.9')

def _notify_stream_qt(kernel, stream):

    from IPython.external.qt_for_kernel import QtCore

    def process_stream_events():
        """fall back to main loop when there's a socket event"""
        # call flush to ensure that the stream doesn't lose events
        # due to our consuming of the edge-triggered FD
        # flush returns the number of events consumed.
        # if there were any, wake it up
        if stream.flush(limit=1):

    fd = stream.getsockopt(zmq.FD)
    notifier = QtCore.QSocketNotifier(fd, QtCore.QSocketNotifier.Read, kernel.app)
    # there may already be unprocessed events waiting.
    # these events will not wake zmq's edge-triggered FD
    # since edge-triggered notification only occurs on new i/o activity.
    # process all the waiting events immediately
    # so we start in a clean state ensuring that any new i/o events will notify.
    # schedule first call on the eventloop as soon as it's running,
    # so we don't block here processing events
    timer = QtCore.QTimer(kernel.app)

# mapping of keys to loop functions
loop_map = {
    'inline': None,
    'nbagg': None,
    'notebook': None,
    'ipympl': None,
    'widget': None,
    None: None,

def register_integration(*toolkitnames):
    """Decorator to register an event loop to integrate with the IPython kernel

    The decorator takes names to register the event loop as for the %gui magic.
    You can provide alternative names for the same toolkit.

    The decorated function should take a single argument, the IPython kernel
    instance, arrange for the event loop to call ``kernel.do_one_iteration()``
    at least every ``kernel._poll_interval`` seconds, and start the event loop.

    :mod:`ipykernel.eventloops` provides and registers such functions
    for a few common event loops.
    def decorator(func):
        for name in toolkitnames:
            loop_map[name] = func

        func.exit_hook = lambda kernel: None

        def exit_decorator(exit_func):
            """@func.exit is now a decorator

            to register a function to be called on exit
            func.exit_hook = exit_func
            return exit_func

        func.exit = exit_decorator
        return func

    return decorator

def _loop_qt(app):
    """Inner-loop for running the Qt eventloop

    Pulled from guisupport.start_event_loop in IPython < 5.2,
    since IPython 5.2 only checks `get_ipython().active_eventloop` is defined,
    rather than if the eventloop is actually running.
    app._in_event_loop = True
    app._in_event_loop = False

def loop_qt4(kernel):
    """Start a kernel with PyQt4 event loop integration."""

    from IPython.lib.guisupport import get_app_qt4

    kernel.app = get_app_qt4([" "])

    for s in kernel.shell_streams:
        _notify_stream_qt(kernel, s)


@register_integration('qt', 'qt5')
def loop_qt5(kernel):
    """Start a kernel with PyQt5 event loop integration."""
    os.environ['QT_API'] = 'pyqt5'
    return loop_qt4(kernel)

# exit and watch are the same for qt 4 and 5
def loop_qt_exit(kernel):

def _loop_wx(app):
    """Inner-loop for running the Wx eventloop

    Pulled from guisupport.start_event_loop in IPython < 5.2,
    since IPython 5.2 only checks `get_ipython().active_eventloop` is defined,
    rather than if the eventloop is actually running.
    app._in_event_loop = True
    app._in_event_loop = False

def loop_wx(kernel):
    """Start a kernel with wx event loop support."""

    import wx

     # Wx uses milliseconds
    poll_interval = int(1000 * kernel._poll_interval)

    def wake():
        """wake from wx"""
        for stream in kernel.shell_streams:
            if stream.flush(limit=1):

    # We have to put the wx.Timer in a wx.Frame for it to fire properly.
    # We make the Frame hidden when we create it in the main app below.
    class TimerFrame(wx.Frame):
        def __init__(self, func):
            wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, -1)
            self.timer = wx.Timer(self)
            # Units for the timer are in milliseconds
            self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.on_timer)
            self.func = func

        def on_timer(self, event):

    # We need a custom wx.App to create our Frame subclass that has the
    # wx.Timer to defer back to the tornado event loop.
    class IPWxApp(wx.App):
        def OnInit(self):
            self.frame = TimerFrame(wake)
            return True

    # The redirect=False here makes sure that wx doesn't replace
    # sys.stdout/stderr with its own classes.
    if not (
        getattr(kernel, 'app', None)
        and isinstance(kernel.app, wx.App)
        kernel.app = IPWxApp(redirect=False)

    # The import of wx on Linux sets the handler for signal.SIGINT
    # to 0.  This is a bug in wx or gtk.  We fix by just setting it
    # back to the Python default.
    import signal
    if not callable(signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT)):
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.default_int_handler)


def loop_wx_exit(kernel):
    import wx

def loop_tk(kernel):
    """Start a kernel with the Tk event loop."""

    from tkinter import Tk, READABLE

    def process_stream_events(stream, *a, **kw):
        """fall back to main loop when there's a socket event"""
        if stream.flush(limit=1):

    # For Tkinter, we create a Tk object and call its withdraw method.
    kernel.app = app = Tk()
    for stream in kernel.shell_streams:
        notifier = partial(process_stream_events, stream)
        # seems to be needed for tk
        notifier.__name__ = 'notifier'
        app.tk.createfilehandler(stream.getsockopt(zmq.FD), READABLE, notifier)
        # schedule initial call after start
        app.after(0, notifier)


def loop_tk_exit(kernel):

def loop_gtk(kernel):
    """Start the kernel, coordinating with the GTK event loop"""
    from .gui.gtkembed import GTKEmbed

    gtk_kernel = GTKEmbed(kernel)
    kernel._gtk = gtk_kernel

def loop_gtk_exit(kernel):

def loop_gtk3(kernel):
    """Start the kernel, coordinating with the GTK event loop"""
    from .gui.gtk3embed import GTKEmbed

    gtk_kernel = GTKEmbed(kernel)
    kernel._gtk = gtk_kernel

def loop_gtk3_exit(kernel):

def loop_cocoa(kernel):
    """Start the kernel, coordinating with the Cocoa CFRunLoop event loop
    via the matplotlib MacOSX backend.
    from ._eventloop_macos import mainloop, stop

    real_excepthook = sys.excepthook
    def handle_int(etype, value, tb):
        """don't let KeyboardInterrupts look like crashes"""
        # wake the eventloop when we get a signal
        if etype is KeyboardInterrupt:
            print("KeyboardInterrupt caught in CFRunLoop", file=sys.__stdout__)
            real_excepthook(etype, value, tb)

    while not kernel.shell.exit_now:
            # double nested try/except, to properly catch KeyboardInterrupt
            # due to pyzmq Issue #130
                # don't let interrupts during mainloop invoke crash_handler:
                sys.excepthook = handle_int
                for stream in kernel.shell_streams:
                    if stream.flush(limit=1):
                        # events to process, return control to kernel
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            # Ctrl-C shouldn't crash the kernel
            print("KeyboardInterrupt caught in kernel", file=sys.__stdout__)
            # ensure excepthook is restored
            sys.excepthook = real_excepthook

def loop_cocoa_exit(kernel):
    from ._eventloop_macos import stop

def loop_asyncio(kernel):
    '''Start a kernel with asyncio event loop support.'''
    import asyncio
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    # loop is already running (e.g. tornado 5), nothing left to do
    if loop.is_running():

    if loop.is_closed():
        # main loop is closed, create a new one
        loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
    loop._should_close = False

    # pause eventloop when there's an event on a zmq socket
    def process_stream_events(stream):
        """fall back to main loop when there's a socket event"""
        if stream.flush(limit=1):

    for stream in kernel.shell_streams:
        fd = stream.getsockopt(zmq.FD)
        notifier = partial(process_stream_events, stream)
        loop.add_reader(fd, notifier)

    while True:
        error = None
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
        except Exception as e:
            error = e
        if loop._should_close:
        if error is not None:
            raise error

def loop_asyncio_exit(kernel):
    """Exit hook for asyncio"""
    import asyncio
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

    def close_loop():
        if hasattr(loop, 'shutdown_asyncgens'):
            yield from loop.shutdown_asyncgens()
        loop._should_close = True

    if loop.is_running():

    elif not loop.is_closed():

def enable_gui(gui, kernel=None):
    """Enable integration with a given GUI"""
    if gui not in loop_map:
        e = "Invalid GUI request %r, valid ones are:%s" % (gui, loop_map.keys())
        raise ValueError(e)
    if kernel is None:
        if Application.initialized():
            kernel = getattr(Application.instance(), 'kernel', None)
        if kernel is None:
            raise RuntimeError("You didn't specify a kernel,"
                " and no IPython Application with a kernel appears to be running."
    loop = loop_map[gui]
    if loop and kernel.eventloop is not None and kernel.eventloop is not loop:
        raise RuntimeError("Cannot activate multiple GUI eventloops")
    kernel.eventloop = loop