test_pyplot.py 1.62 KB
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import difflib
import subprocess
import sys
from pathlib import Path

import pytest

import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

def test_pyplot_up_to_date():
    gen_script = Path(mpl.__file__).parents[2] / "tools/boilerplate.py"
    if not gen_script.exists():
        pytest.skip("boilerplate.py not found")
    orig_contents = Path(plt.__file__).read_text()
        subprocess.run([sys.executable, str(gen_script)], check=True)
        new_contents = Path(plt.__file__).read_text()

        if orig_contents != new_contents:
            diff_msg = '\n'.join(
                    orig_contents.split('\n'), new_contents.split('\n'),
                    fromfile='found pyplot.py',
                    tofile='expected pyplot.py',
                    n=0, lineterm=''))
                "pyplot.py is not up-to-date. Please run "
                "'python tools/boilerplate.py' to update pyplot.py. "
                "This needs to be done from an environment where your "
                "current working copy is installed (e.g. 'pip install -e'd). "
                "Here is a diff of unexpected differences:\n%s" % diff_msg

def test_pyplot_box():
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    assert not ax.get_frame_on()
    assert ax.get_frame_on()
    assert not ax.get_frame_on()
    assert ax.get_frame_on()

def test_stackplot_smoke():
    # Small smoke test for stackplot (see #12405)
    plt.stackplot([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3])