Building Disaster Resilient Futures: Exploring the C2IMPRESS Project in the Lens of City of Egaleo, Greece
The municipality of Egaleo in Greece, in collaboration with three other CSAs (Ordu, Turkey; Centro Region, Portugal; Balearic Islands, Spain), spearheaded the C2IMPRESS project. This initiative aimed to implement an innovative framework for understanding natural hazards and multi-dimensional vulnerabilities, encompassing physical, economic, health, and social impacts. These CSAs also focussed on designing a new polycentric risk governance framework, engaging stakeholders from public, private and civil society sectors.
The panel of speakers at this webinar provided and discussed an in-depth exploration of the C2IMPRESS project, shedding light on its core principles and innovative approaches; and about the C2IMPRESS’s social and technical innovation tools that are providing the knowledge to produce an Integrated Climate Change Adaptation and multi-hazard Disaster Management Framework cross-cutting plan for Egaleo.