Full papers within 6 pages (A4) are invited for submission in any of the fields listed on CONFERENCE TOPICS.  We strongly recommend electronic submission. Manuscripts will be reviewed by the Program Committee in accordance with standard practice and the criteria for the conference. All submissions MUST be submitted in English. The abstract should be no more than 300 words.

Follow the link to register login with your ID and password and upload your abstract paper Link

Download Word & Latex Templates (.zip)

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The registration site has been blacklisted from google and that affects Chrome and Firefox. In order to use it please click to “See details” -> “Ignore risk”, or you can use Internet Explorer.


All accepted papers will be included in the proceedings of RACR 2019 as a printed book titled ” Risk Analysis Based on Data and Crisis Response Beyond Knowledge” to be published by CRC Press, in USA, who shall to the best of its ability facilitate to have the papers indexed in EI. The proceedings of RACR-2017 were indexed by EI after publishing only 4 months.


The best papers presented at the conference will be selected for publication in special issue of an international journal (indexed by SCI). A re-submitted paper for the special issue is required to be extended and with a little change in title. Each manuscript will be reviewed according to the standard policy of the journal. The deadline of receiving the manuscripts is November 1, 2019.

Only submissions that cited the papers published in SRA-China’s official journal JRACR ( could be recommended.